Many women are drawn to boxing workout because it often delivers dramatic weight loss and significant improvement to general health. But to reap the optimum benefit, you need to invest in complimentary behavioral disciplines such as the following:
- In order to last more rounds, stay calm, don't panic, maintain a correct form and make your punches brisk and sharp.
- Don’t skip workout sessions. Push yourself each day. If you keep on slacking on your workout, you will likely flunk out your training.
- Drink lots of water. The workout is definitely sweat-pouring so make sure to hydrate every now and then.
- Make friends with other participants. They can offer you tips and tricks so you can get the hang of the training in no time.
- Use your entire body not just your arm when giving away a punch.
- Throw short hooks and uppercuts but long jabs.
- Don't overdo your combo punches. A maximum throw of 3-5 punches will suffice so it will not drain your energy fast.
Boxing is a fun and addicting workout especially when already get the hang of it. For more boxing workout tips, contact Answer is Fitness.
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