Formerly known as Salem Fitness Center
and now operating at 46 Tioga Way

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46 Tioga Way,
Marblehead MA 01945

Salem Fitness Center, MA Blog

Practicing Yoga Benefits the Body, Even on a Cellular Level - Salem, MA

29 January 2016

When you think of gentle yoga exercises, the thoughts that may pop to mind immediately are probably: flexibility, stretching, relaxation, and breathing. But this type of low-intensity exercise actually means more than that.

When you join a yoga class, you will not necessarily be asked to do all types of advanced poses. classes can be modified for any fitness level. Your yoga teacher will let you know that you don’t have to touch your toes or bend like a pretzel. In fact, you do not need to be flexible to practice yoga, yoga will increase your flexibility over-time. If you are breathing while doing the poses, you are practicing yoga, even if you are unable to touch your toes to start.

The gentle yoga classes in Salem, MA both strengthen and lengthen your muscles and enhance your brain’s cognitive processes. Through yoga, you will relieve stress, which paves the way for clearer thinking improved focus. Practicing yoga also helps boost your immune system on a cellular level through changes in the gene expression while you are on the mat. This strengthens the internal defense system of your body.

To find out more about some of the other unknown benefits of practicing yoga regularly, contact Salem Fitness Center.

Group Exercise Boxing Drills are an Excellent Cardio Workout - Salem, MA

22 January 2016

Group exercise boxing drills in Salem, MA are an excellent way get in a great cardio workout. Boxing is considered to be one of the best full-body exercises. This is because it helps condition the entire body in one workout session. This sport self-defense workout routine helps improve the cardiovascular and endurance of all the participants.

The boxing training cardio workouts in every class will provide a high-intensity, calorie-burning routine promoting optimal physical fitness. You will perform a planned boxing workout routine with the other members which makes each workout more engaging.

For proper training boxing workouts class, gear and equipment is required, making this group ex class even more fun. Wrist wraps and boxing gloves are worn in order to ensure safety while using the punching bag, jump rope, and other equipment. Additionally, you will learn and master the boxing stance, proper arm and hand positioning and proper punching. During boxing training cardio workouts, you will get your heart racing and your major muscles will be fully engaged.

To find out more about boxing training cardio workout classes, contact Salem Fitness Center.

Yoga Exercises Help Improve Both Your Brain and Body - Salem, MA

15 January 2016

The yoga classes in Salem, MA help you perform a perfect blend of yoga poses and breathing techniques. When you regularly take yoga, you will develop a harmonious union of the mind and the body.

Yoga exercises are known to help combat stress, depression, and anxiety. Because these exercises put great emphasis on physical postures rather than flow or sequences, they help largely to improve focus, working memory, and other brain functions.

Not all people know that performing gentle yoga can actually change your body right from the first day you begin performing them. In addition to boosting your overall well-being, practicing yoga will also help you achieve a variety physical health benefits. It helps increase your range of motion and flexibility without experiencing fatigue or straining muscles. Your shoulders, lower back, and hamstrings in particular will become more flexible over time, helping posture and every day movements. You will also increase your deadlift strength and decrease body fat which is another reason why yoga is often incorporated into other more traditional exercise routines.

To find out more about the effects of gentle yoga on overall fitness, contact the Salem Fitness Center.

Senior Fitness Programs Keep Older Adults Fit and Healthy - Salem, MA

11 January 2016

Sweating to the Oldies
Sweating to the Oldies in Salem, MA helps keep older adults fit and healthy as they age. In this group exercise class, learn and master how to perform the dance exercise routines which have been strategically developed for aging joints. The moves are easy yet effective so you can safely and correctly exercise without pain or the potential of injury. Sweating to the Oldies is a group exercise class that helps seniors stay healthy and achieve a fit and healthy body, despite age.

Safety guidelines are followed in physical fitness programs for the seniors in Salem, MA. Gentle movements that maintain a good upright posture during the exercises, always breathing while exercising, breathing with the movements, and maintaining a consistent slow to moderate pace are just a few of the safely guidelines that are taught and followed when performing the dance exercise routines.

It is important for seniors to exercise at the right speed and intensity in group exercise routines. With Sweating to the Oldies you will find an physical fitness program that is perfect for seniors of many different fitness levels. This is a group exercise class that is fun, motivating, and beneficial when done regularly.

To find out more about fitness programs for the seniors, contact Salem Fitness Center.

Happy New Year from Salem Fitness Center - Salem, MA

31 December 2015

Normally at this time of week, we at Salem Fitness Center reserve time and energy to author our blogs. We do this in the interest of keeping you all updated, educated, and informed on subjects that we hope provide you both personal and professional reward.

As we sit now with the holiday celebrations of last week behind us but with the warmth of family still surrounding us, our thoughts are with you. With the New Year just days away, our thoughts include true appreciation for our relationships with each of you and how those relationships allow for us to take this briefest of moments to fully prioritize and celebrate family.

As we approach the New Year's celebration, may you all remain safe and surrounded by family. May 2016 be a most merry and prosperous year for you and your businesses. And may we be honored with privilege of your continued friendships and partnership for 2016 and for years to come.

Warmest Regards To You All....

Women’s Self-Defense Classes Teach You to Learn and Master Tactics and Techniques - Salem, MA

29 December 2015

Women’s fitness is not always about burning extra fat, losing weight, and getting in shape. It can also focus on tactics and techniques for self-defense so you can master the moves to protect yourself in uncomfortable or potentially dangerous situations.

Women’s self-defense classes in Salem, MA teach women what they need to know in order to be able to feel secure and confident to defend themselves whenever they find themselves in dangerous situations. In addition to losing weight and burning calories, women will also learn to be well-prepared. If and when they are faced with a threatening situation and a need to protect one self, women’s self-defense classes teach the tactics to get out of these dangerous scenarios, safely.

Women’s self-defense class allows females the ability to get into the proper mindset for executing physical self-defense techniques rather than getting panicked. In the one hour of self-defense class at Salem Fitness Center, women will gain the confidence needed to know they can protect themselves. This two week comprehensive course helps you learn and master basic self-defense moves to stop and survive a potential or real attack.

To find out more about self-defense classes for women, contact Salem Fitness Center.

Holiday Greetings From Salem Fitness Center - Salem, MA

22 December 2015

This week's blog message is very simple. All of us here at Salem Fitness Center wish you and your family the warmest of Holiday greetings and sincere thanks for your continued trust in us. Your trust and continued partnership with us is nothing short of a blessing and it is truly something we celebrate. We offer you all this sincere thanks and pledge to you that we will never tire in our efforts to steadily increase the value of our service to you. Happy Holidays!

Boxing Training Cardio Workouts Deliver Solid Health and Fitness Results in A Short Time - Salem, MA

17 December 2015

For women, boxing training cardio workouts are the hottest trend for an effective and enjoyable way to burn calories and lose weight. By continually challenging your body to perform movements that increase in difficult, this type of full-body workout can deliver solid health and fitness results in a relatively short period of time.

When you join boxing workouts class in Salem, MA, you will achieve effective and fast gains in your overall level of conditioning and fitness. As compared to other workout styles, you will see results in a relatively shorter period of time with boxing. This is because interval training is highly effective, and boxing is just that while combining cardio and strength training together. Boxing also utilizes all of your muscle groups during every workout.

In each class, group exercise boxing drills will tone your entire body like few other workouts. Boxing training cardio workouts at Salem Fitness Center are very intense and vigorous, so bring a high level of enthusiasm and the class and trainer will help with the motivation! Additionally, the boxing drills are composed of a variety of movements and sequences that are fun, challenging, and fulfilling. By incorporating a diverse range of movements, you will be able to engage different muscle groups to maximize your health and fitness results.

To find out more about group exercise boxing workout classes for women, contact Salem Fitness Center.

Practicing Yoga Should be a Vital Part of Womens Fitness Routines - Salem, MA

10 December 2015

Because there are many health benefits to yoga, it is no wonder that it has become a vital part in womens fitness routines. This fitness approach has been growing in popularity over recent years, with good reason.

By adding yoga exercises to your weekly exercise routine, you will experience numerous benefits that may come as a surprise. In addition to improving one’s flexibility and coordination and creating a healthy harmony in mind and body, yoga can also relieve stress, aches, and pain.

Practicing yoga in Salem, MA entails focusing on posture and breathing, it also puts emphasis on mental focus. Performing yoga poses and breathing exercises allows you to stay focused, relaxed, and calm in stressful situations. In addition to helping improve lung function, yoga is also beneficial to those who suffer from arthritis. This low impact exercise involves long, fluid movements that help increase mobility, relieve pain, loosen stiff muscles, and reduce symptoms of arthritis in joints. Yoga has also been proven to be highly effective in easing back aches.

Additionally, because the yoga poses and breathing techniques can accentuate good posture and enhance overall muscle tone, practicing yoga is also helpful in preventing overall body and back pains.

To find out more about Yoga classes, contact Salem Fitness Center.

Group Exercises Classes Work Great for Women - Salem, MA

4 December 2015

Group exercise classes in Salem, MA are growing increasingly in demand. Group classes incorporate workout routines that allow men and women to learn how to challenge themselves while learning a new exercise and having fun at the same time. The pace of group exercise classes makes the time fly by. The energy of your instructor along with that of the other participants in the group helps you forget that you are working out hard.

Exercise classes are led by group exercise instructors who have strategically developed a workout program that is engaging and effective. Because you are surrounded by other hard-working and like-minded women during each class, you will challenge yourself to keep pace by working harder with the other women in the group.

Women also learn new group fitness exercise routines through these exercise classes. Group classes allow you to try different things in each class, keeping exercise fresh and new. This means you are less likely to grow bored and lose motivation. Additionally, you will be shown how to work your body properly and perform the routines the right way. You will engage different muscle groups and, in return, get faster and better fitness results.

To find out more about group exercise classes, contact Salem Fitness Center.